If you thought you were free from diabetes because you weren’t diagnosed as a child, you’re very wrong. Discover LADA diabetes.

Did you know that there is a type of autoimmune diabetes that usually appears in adults? Yes, as you read. LADA diabetes is similar to type 1, but it appears in people over 30 years old.

Nowadays there are as many types of diabetes as people. But there are some types that are less common. For example, the one that appears as a result of the Wolfram Syndrome, the MODY or the LABIL type. This is also the case of LADA. Are you curious to know more about it?

What is LADA diabetes?


LADA diabetes is a variant of autoimmune diabetes. This means that the body destroys by mistake the beta cells that create insulin. The same happens in type 1 diabetes. But type LADA is diagnosed in adults. Its name is a reference to its acronym in English, Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA).

You may wonder how it is possible for it not to be diagnosed in childhood if it is autoimmune Well, that is because it has a slow progression. The beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin, are destroyed very slowly. And it is not until adulthood when you start to have a problem with insulin. In that moment glycemia starts to rise and it is then you can see the first symptoms of diabetes.

Since it is not discovered in childhood, it is often diagnosed as type 2. But it has many more features in common with type 1.

What is the big advantage of its slow progression? That, even when the blood sugar levels are higher than normal, the pancreas will work longer. This means that the person with LADA diabetes won’t be needing insulin until quite some time after diagnosis.

People with LADA diabetes still need to keep their blood glucose levels under control. If you have this type of diabetes, Cori can help you to see how it progresses. Are you up for it?

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People with diabetes are especially vulnerable to the dangers of colds and the flu, but there are things you can do to control your symptoms and avoid getting sick in the first place. You may maintain your health even when you’re feeling under the weather by constantly monitoring your blood sugar levels, staying hydrated, getting enough of rest, and adhering to your diabetes management plan. Additionally, you may lower your risk of getting sick and safeguard yourself from any problems by maintaining proper cleanliness, being vaccinated, and generally maintaining good health. Make sure to discuss any worries you may have with your healthcare team for advice and support if you have diabetes and are worried about managing colds and the flu.

Symptoms of LADA diabetes


This type of diabetes is also known as type 1.5 because it shares symptoms and characteristics with type 1 and type 2. But the first symptoms that appear are very different:

  • Sensation of tiredness.
  • Constant hunger.
  • Dry skin.

For a while you will only experience these effects. But, when your glucose levels begin to slowly rise, that will change. This is when you will begin to have the classic symptoms of type 1 diabetes:

  • Extreme thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Tingling in areas such as hands, legs or feet.
  • Weight loss.

What are the differences between LADA, type 1 and type 2?


There are many similarities in LADA, type 1 and type 2 diabetes. But, it is important to know what makes them different.

Since it is a variation of type 1, there are only a few things that differentiate them. The main one is the progression. LADA is much slower than type 1 diabetes. That is why they are also diagnosed at different ages. While the first usually appears in childhood or young adulthood, the symptoms of LADA do not begin until adulthood.

Type 2 also has some differences. For example, the antibodies. Depending on what type of diabetes you have, your tests will show some antibodies or others. In the case of LADA, the ones that appear are similar to those of a person with type 1. Also, overweight or obesity is not usually a determining factor in this case.

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