Resistance to insulin is the first step to possible type two diabetes, but did you know that it is reversible? In this article we talk about it.
Before having a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, there are many changes that start to happen inside the body without us even realizing it. Insulin resistance is the first of them. Did you just find out that you have it? Don’t worry. In this article we explain everything you should know to understand what’s going on in your body.
What is insulin resistance?

When you get diagnosed with insulin resistance it means that something has changed in your body. Don’t think that it’s the end of the world, the pancreas is still producing insulin. But it’s starting to have problems absorbing glucose from the blood, so it can’t do its job.
The pancreas tries to fix this situation. To do so, it produces more of the hormone that is in charge of controlling blood sugar levels. Thanks to this, the body keeps working normally.
This condition is the first step to possible type 2 diabetes. But don’t panic. It is reversible almost 100% of times. How? By detecting it early and working hard to treat it. Changing your lifestyle to a healthier one, improving your diet or exercising can help to stop it from developing.
Symptoms of insulin resistance

Did you know that when insulin resistance starts to develop, there are no symptoms? As mentioned above, the body tries to deal with the lack of insulin. To do so, it produces more of this hormone. This, works for a while, but not forever.
When the pancreas can’t produce any more, blood sugar levels begin to rise. That is when the first symptoms appear:
- More feeling of hunger and also thirst.
- Increased need to urinate.
- Tingling in the hands and feet.
- Feeling of tiredness.
- High cholesterol levels.
- Weight gain.
- Cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension.
Can insulin resistance be prevented?

To this day, it is unknown why insulin resistance happens. However, there are some factors that may influence the development of this condition.
- Genetic factors: If you have genetic background, it is much more likely that you will develop insulin resistance.
- Gender: There are more cases of this condition among men than women.
- Weight: Being overweight or obese makes it more difficult for the body to produce and manage insulin.
- Sedentary lifestyle: As with weight, sedentary lifestyle greatly affects blood sugar absorption. To avoid this, it is recommended to exercise 30 minutes daily.
- Diet: An unbalanced diet can cause less insulin production or resistance to it.
- Some medications: Cortisone or corticosteroids can make your body more resistant to insulin.
- High blood pressure: High blood pressure can also be linked to increased chances of having this condition.
Even if you have any of these factors, insulin resistance can be prevented or decreased. How? Having a healthy lifestyle, exercising and eating variety of foods.
3 tips to avoid the aggravation of insulin resistance

This section will give you 3 basic activities if you want to reduce your insulin resistance.
Increase exercise in your daily life
Lack of physical activity can cause your pancreas to not function well. That translates to the fact that it may not produce the insulin it should. Increasing the amount of activity you do will help you stay in shape and also helps your body function at its best.
Lose weight
Obesity or being overweight are two of the most common factors that lead to insulin resistance. That is why, if you are above your ideal weight, it would be advisable to lose some pounds. If you are at the right weight, you just need to maintain it. This will make it easier for your pancreas to do its job.
Eat a balanced diet
Diet plays a very important role in the development of insulin resistance. It also influences other factors such as weight and blood glucose levels.
Fruits and vegetables should be very important in your diet. Other items that should also be very present are nuts or olive oil. Try also to cut out saturated and empty fats. For example, industrial pastries. And avoid cooking with too much oil and salt.
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