Have you ever heard of the plate theory? With it, you can start to eat healthy to avoid diabetes.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the plate theory at some point or another. If you didn’t pay attention to it, let me tell you that it is much more important than you think if you want to eat healthy to avoid diabetes.
For the last few years we have been eating bigger and bigger amounts of food. Without realizing it, we are adding more and more food to our plate. This causes us to take in far more calories than we should. In other words, we eat more with our eyes than with our stomachs.
This, over time, can lead to consequences such as overweight, which is also the most common reason for the development of type 2 diabetes. So the plate theory will be useful not only to learn how you should eat, but also to prevent diabetes.
In this article we show you how to follow this method closely and stop overeating.
What is the plate theory?

The plate theory is a guide of the portions we should eat at lunch and dinner. This will guide you on to eat healthy to avoid diabetes.
The key to a healthy diet is not only to eat healthy foods, but also to control the portions we eat. That’s why the plate method is based on eating only the food our body needs. No more and no less.
Although it may seem complicated, making a single dish that satiates and sustains is much easier than it sounds. You just have to get used to preparing it.
How should the plate be organized?

To follow this theory and start to eat healthy to avoid diabetes we will need an empty dinner plate. That will be our mental reference for the quantities.
Two-quarters of the plate: vegetables
In two quarters of the plate, or half of the plate, which is the same, we will put vegetables.
Remember that the basis of this method is to eat all kinds of food and in adequate quantities. So we will have to mix raw and cooked vegetables. For example, we can put a salad with tomato and carrot (raw vegetables) and add boiled mushrooms (cooked vegetables). There is no exact percentage for each vegetable, so play to your own liking.
Vegetables have a lot of nutrients and fiber that are important for your body. For this reason, and because they are low in calories, you should eat them in large quantities.
One quarter of the plate: protein
This is the space reserved for meat, fish and eggs. These foods will make us feel full.
Eating protein will help you maintain muscle mass, keep control of your weight and also help repair damaged muscle tissue. If you are going to choose a steak, for example, remember that it should be no bigger than the palm of your hand.
One quarter of the plate: carbohydrates
The last quarter of the plate will have carbohydrates. Within these foods you have a lot of possible choices: pasta, rice, potatoes, legumes….
All of them also have a lot of variants, so you have a lot of possibilities. Surely you will not get bored of eating always the same.
As for the quantity, more or less one cup will be enough.
The extras: two liters of water and a piece of fruit
Besides food you also have to do two other things:
- Drink at least two liters of water daily.
- Eat a piece of fruit at every meal (breakfast, midday, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner).
Remember that a balanced diet and exercise are the cornerstones of diabetes prevention. But if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, this will also help you to prevent it from worsening. Also, if you combine it with good glucose control, your diabetes will become more manageable. You don’t believe me? Download Cori and you will see how in a short time you will start to see results.

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People with diabetes are especially vulnerable to the dangers of colds and the flu, but there are things you can do to control your symptoms and avoid getting sick in the first place. You may maintain your health even when you’re feeling under the weather by constantly monitoring your blood sugar levels, staying hydrated, getting enough of rest, and adhering to your diabetes management plan. Additionally, you may lower your risk of getting sick and safeguard yourself from any problems by maintaining proper cleanliness, being vaccinated, and generally maintaining good health. Make sure to discuss any worries you may have with your healthcare team for advice and support if you have diabetes and are worried about managing colds and the flu.
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